Monday, October 19, 2009


We have heroes and then we have those who just think that it is the right thing to do. I write today about Mr. Sean Anthony Cononie, the director of the Cosac Foundation.

The Cosac Foundation operates The Homeless Voice shelter in Hollywood, FL., it also provides services to the local community and beyond via Helping People in America.

Mr. Cononie....(SEAN) is the hero to most who encounter him, yet will be the first to tell you that it is the right thing to do. When he was a young boy, attending Mass with his mother, he would notice that she would give extra to the poor box donation area located in the church. She would tell him that it is the right thing to do, help your fellow man Sean.

Throughout his youth and into High School and beyond, Sean devoted himself to helping those less fortunate than he. In his adult life, he parted with his own personal finances in order to open a shelter for the homeless. His goal nearly twelve years ago has not changed. "People need a place to stay, they need love and caring and I will stop at nothing to help those in need and reassure them that they are not alone and that there will always be US there for them."

To everyone who takes the time to read this latest post, I ask that you reflect upon the best and the worst times of your lives and think about what you did to repair any wrong or thank God for any good that has come into your lives.

Sean has created a home, jobs and a safe haven for those who otherwise would have been cast away by society. He has saved the lives of those who were addicted to drugs, making them productive members of society with new lives on their own. Sean has done so by giving what costs nothing, but means everything......LOVE.....that's right love, a simple four letter word with a million meanings.

Sean is modest when asked why he cares so much for the homeless. His answer to the question is that "simply put, all of us are human beings, created in God's image and no one person is above another regardless of that person's situation."

I urge you all who read this to log onto the website of The Homeless Voice and look at the archives, look at the current stories, donate your time and if possible your extra change to the cause, the cause that Sean Anthony Cononie created for the good of all those who would otherwise be left out on the street.

The Homeless Voice shelter is a non-profit shelter, receiving no assistance from any government agency on any level, so I ask you all to make a donation to the cause, the cause of whom I consider a HERO, blessed to have as a FRIEND and proud to be associated with his work....Mr. Sean Anthony Cononie, founder and director of The Cosac Foundation.

Thanks to you all and God Bless YOU.

Ron Gauthier

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