Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Just think for a minute. How would life be if all of you became homeless? With the tragic situation our country faces these days with unemployment rising to record highs, mortgages being foreclosed upon, gasoline and food prices going up, is there any hope for a so-called economic recovery that our government wants us to believe is nearby?

The television networks seem to be totally focused these days regarding the comments made by the Senate Majority Leader regarding President Obama. Who cares I say....is that the number one priority that is the news these days....Focus people, focus on what is at hand in this country. I tell you now that more of us will become homeless because Washington just doesn't get it.

The voting public needs to revolt with the vote the next time around. Vote these idiots out of office and demand from our government that PAC and other special interest groups be totally eliminated from the voting process.

I will post a new comment in the next few days and simply ask that all of you who read this and truly care, write your comments so that I can have the ammuniton I need to send a message to Washington.

Thank you all as always, and may God bless you all.



  1. The big shot politions might change thier opinion of the homeless population if they spent just one night in the streets of Washington instead of warm, comfortable million dollar homes.

  2. Unfortunatly they all think it can't happen to them. It can happen to anyone at any time. One day you have a job & a home, the next day your Laid Off & being evicted.
