Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thank God for what you have....then think a minute about what others have lost!!!

I have been away from my blog for a while, because, I've become a bit frustrated at the lack of comments or replies from anyone, however, I feel the need to write this and ask that you step back a moment and please think about what you have and then think about what others have lost.

You may have a beautiful home, a nice car, plenty of food on the table, a secure job and nothing in your life is going wrong. I thank God that if that characterizes you then I am happy for you and wish you continued success and happiness.

Now, let us all step back a minute and reflect upon those who are less fortunate, namely, the homeless who have lost everything and are struggling to figure out where their futures lie.

I once again ask all of you who do really care to open your eyes to homelessness in this those less fortunate than you and pray that our government do something about allowing its citizens to be homeless.

Thank you as always and may God bless you all.

Ron Gauthier

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