Hello friends,
Enclosed is an article I wrote a couple of years ago. I'd like to share it with all of you in hopes that it may create awareness to homelessness in this country. I invite you to share your comments with me and hope that this article will enlighten some and inspire most to help those less fortunate than us.
Thank you and God Bless you all.
Ron Gauthier
Voice Update Somewhere Over The Rainbow?
June 2007
Author: Ronald L. Gauthier
Homeless, how does one describe this word and to whom does it apply, who does it affect? Is there hope for the homeless and is there really a somewhere, out there, over that elusive rainbow?
In the richest, most prosperous country in the world, the number of homeless in America continues to rise at an alarming rate.
I write this article solely for the purpose of creating awareness regarding our country’s homeless citizens. Contrary to what people may perceive them to be, the homeless in this country are human beings, beings created in God’s image. Regardless of one’s race, creed or religion, regardless of what may have created the situation or circumstance that resulted in a person becoming homeless, that person is no less of a human being than one who may have been blessed with financial and material wealth.
During the era of the “Great Depression”, this country banded together to help its brothers and sisters survive the economic downfall. In today’s society, we turn a deaf ear to the plight of the less fortunate. Why is that? Have we become so self-sufficient that no one else matters? Have we become a society that only accepts equals and abandon those in strife? Could it be perhaps that the homeless are perceived as non contributory members of society and therefore are ostracized into a world of abandonment and heartlessness?
Picture this if you will. A man is successful in business, trusts his advisors to make smart business decisions only to have the advisors squander and embezzle what he worked so hard for. The man becomes homeless, nowhere to turn and strives every day to make due with what is at hand and become a better person as a result of this.
A mother leaves a marriage filled with abuse, verbally and physically and her children are brainwashed into believing that she is the villain, they abandon her and she becomes homeless, yet every day she strives to do what is necessary to survive in her new environment and learns to cope with the fact that society has allowed this to happen.
A young adult, faced with the temptation of drugs and alcohol succumbs to them both and loses his job, friends and most importantly, his family. He is thrown out of his home and told to never come back, he is now homeless and desperately looking for help.
These are but a few examples of how one becomes homeless. We are but one or two paychecks away from losing it all, becoming homeless and having society forget about what that person once was and walking away from that person, letting him or her fend for themselves. There are cities is this land of opportunity known as America, that do not recognize the homeless. Instead, the homeless are considered vagrants, a menace to society and are placed in jail in order to keep the rest of society safe. “Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses.” That is what is inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. We are a country that welcomes all, yet shuns the homeless. Are not the homeless, poor, tired, weary and afraid of what their tomorrow will bring? Are not the homeless still part of this country, they were before they became homeless.
I have been fortunate and blessed to live among the homeless, kind people who all have one common goal, that is to help one another and work with each other to improve upon their circumstances. A band of brothers and sisters who have become a self proclaimed FAMILY. Our government needs to recognize that in order to survive as a nation, indivisible and under God, it must return to the values set forth by our forefathers and creating not only liberty but truly justice for ALL. There is no justice in allowing our citizens to become and remain homeless. We are fortunate in this country that there are those who recognize the need to restore dignity and pride back into the hearts and spirits of the homeless. These angels are those who have opened shelters for the homeless. The true heroes are those who opened these shelters privately, without federal, state or local assistance, who have given of themselves and parted with their own personal finances in order to create a home and a safe environment for these unfortunate human beings.
I became homeless in December of 2004 and like everyone who becomes homeless, I was afraid, discouraged, depressed and worried about what I might face tomorrow and the next day and for how long. I was welcomed with open arms and was told that there was no need to worry anymore, you are part of us now and as a family, we will be there for you and with you through thick and thin.
I have been with this shelter for nearly two and a half years now and have become a senior staff member of this fine organization. I thank God every day that He has blessed me with what I consider a new opportunity in my life. The opportunity to help others less fortunate than I, for I consider myself luckier than most and truly loved by God, because God has allowed me to help turn something negative into the most positive thing I could ever accomplish in life. My life with this shelter has become addictive, though I have never been involved with drugs nor alcohol in my life, I am addicted to the passionate work that greets me every single day at this shelter.
I do not live at the facility anymore, in fact for the past twenty months, I have been living in what is referred to as the staff house, a modest home a few miles north of the shelter. I begin my day early in the morning and finish it late at night. I look forward to each and every day and the new challenges that may arise.
I have no regrets and I consider this but a slight detour in the road of the life that God has created for me. My day and time will come when once again I will return to the life I once knew, but I will never leave the life that I now have. I will continue to work with the homeless and to create more public awareness to what I consider a travesty in this society of ours. There are bright, intelligent homeless people. There are homeless who simply need more care than others and simply ask that someone be there for them. I intend to be there for them until I breathe my last breath. I pray that we as citizens of the greatest country in the world, finally recognize that homelessness is no less serious than the state of our economy, homelessness is no less serious than a life threatening disease, homelessness is no less serious than war and terrorism. Homelessness is a serious issue that should be dealt with in a positive manner. If every citizen in this country would contribute the pocket change they have toward the homeless each and every day, we could wipe out homelessness and create an environment that would allow private shelters the ability to help retrain and counsel the homeless into a new life, a life that would enable them to return to mainstream society as valuable contributors to their respective communities.
So, I ask that the next time you see a homeless person on the street or if you see a homeless person selling a newspaper or asking for a contribution, please give this person the chance to return to the life he or she once had, the life that you so enjoy, please contribute with love and from the heart and realize that your help will eventually produce a productive and contributing member to your community.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt said that “The only thing we need to fear is fear itself.” We need not be afraid of the homeless but should remember that we as human beings have a moral responsibility to help our brothers and sisters in need. Remember that we are all created as one and in God’s image and after all, as Americans, isn’t love and generosity, compassion and care what makes this country the great nation that it is?
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